
Find our fees for Wallet as a Service and NFT & Token Checkout below

Wallet as a Service

Tweed charges monthly, tiered fees based on Monthly Active Wallets. The more active wallets a platform has, the cheaper the service is on a per wallet basis.

An active wallet is defined as a wallet for which an API call is made within a given month. An active wallet can have an unlimited number of API calls per month.

Contact us for exact pricing details.

NFT & In-Platform Token Checkout

The processing fee is calculated using the following formula: fee = (NFT_PRICE * 0.049) + 30c$ + CHAIN_GAS_FEE This fee is included in the total NFT price presented to the buyer before they confirm the transaction. An extra fee of 1.5% processing fee will be added for international cards (non US).

Gas fees are determined by the chain selection and can vary.

Last updated