Flow of Funds: Purchase to Settlement

How Tweed manages payouts in accordance with a buyer's journey on your platform


Tweed manages the fiat payout for the platform using the payout management console. After registration the platform can use the NFT page of the management console to list its tokens (fungible or non-fungible). After the collection is registered the NFT checkout widgets can be populated with the platform's tokens while The crypto settlement is managed using the backend SDK integration.

Flow for Fiat Settlement

  1. The buyer enters their card details and presses the "Buy" button

  2. Tweed holds the value from their card

  3. Tweed passes a request to the relevant claimer (according to the blockchain)

  4. The claimer calls the platform's collection contract to "mint and send" the NFT

  5. The collection's contract sends the NFT to the buyer's wallet

  6. Tweed captures the money from the buyer's card and sends it to the platform's account

  7. (optional) Tweed backend calls the webhook configured in the console with the purchase details

Flow for Crypto Settlement (Native Currency)

  1. Tweed converts the cryptocurrency to its equivalent fiat value

  2. The buyer enters their card details and presses the "Buy" button

  3. Tweed holds the NFT value from the buyer's card

  4. Tweed passes a request to the relevant claimer (according to the blockchain)

  5. Tweed's claimer calls the platform's collection contract to "mint and send" the NFT with the right amount of crypto

  6. The collection's contract sends the NFT to the buyer's wallet

  7. Tweed captures the money from the buyer's card

  8. (optional) Tweed backend calls the webhook configured in the console with the purchase details

Flow for Crypto Settlement (ERC20 Tokens)

  1. Tweed converts the ERC20 tokens value to its equivalent fiat value

  2. The buyer enters their card details and presses the "Buy" button

  3. Tweed holds the NFT value from the buyer's card

  4. Tweed passes a request to the relevant claimer (according to the blockchain)

  5. The chosen ERC20 token's amount is getting approved for the platform to withdraw

  6. Tweed's claimer calls the contract's "mint and send"

  7. The contract withdrow the funds from tweed's claimer

  8. The contract send the tokens to the user's wallet

  9. Tweed captures the money from the buyer's card

  10. (optional) Tweed backend calls the webhook configured in the console with the purchase details

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