Payment links

create a payment links or use token checkout without using a frontend

Provides a URL to a widget enabling users to purchase an NFT using traditional payment methods such as payment cards, Google Pay, or Apple Pay. This URL can be utilized to send a purchase link to your user's email, for instance.

The widget remains active indefinitely until it is first opened, after which it remains accessible for 24 hours. Once this period elapses, the widget becomes unusable.

Retrun type

Promise<{ widgetUrl: string; requestId: string }>

Redirect URI

Provides the option to redirect users upon completing the checkout process, whether it is successful or unsuccessful.

isTopWindow ensures widget Redirects is top-level window.

redirectUriOnSuccess string

Description: When the widget is closed after a succeeded transaction the widget will redirect to the supplied URL

Called with the transaction hash in the txHash URL param

redirectUriOnFail string

Description: When the widget is closed after a failed transaction the widget will redirect to the supplied URL

Called with the reason to the failure in the error URL param


  const buyNftPayload: NftPurchaseBackendPayload = {
    nftId: "123", //Can be a ramdom generated by the user
    priceInCents: 100, //Optionally 0 for freemint 
    //priceInCrypto: 10000000000000, //If the user wants to get crypto instead of fiat
    fiatCurrencyId: 'USD',
    tokenUri: '<THUMBNAIL_URI>',
    contractAddress: '<NFT_ADDRESS>',
    chain: 'ethereumSepolia', //The chainId according to the Tweed docs
    title: '<NFT_NAME>',
    description: '<NFT_DESCRIPTION>',
    abi: 'safeMint(toAddress address, tokenUri string)',
      customMintParams: {
        toWalletAddress: "<WALLET_ADDRESS>", 
        tokenUri: "<TOKEN_URI>"
  // optional
  const widgetRedirectUris: BackendWidgetRedirectUri = {
    redirectUriOnSuccess: '',
    redirectUriOnFail: '',

  const widgetUrl = await backendSDK.nft.buyWithFiat(buyNftPayload, widgetRedirectUris)
  console.log({ widgetUrl })

Last updated