Testing the integration

We recommend you check out our Integration examples- they are a good source of information and there are several working examples available for review.

The integration can be tested using the demo API key generated in the developer console. With this key, you can test the integration on testnets only (i.e Ethereum Sepolia, Polygon Mumbai, Tezos Ghost, etc. - see the full list of supported blockchains).

  1. Deploy your contract (fungible or non-fungible) on the relevant chain (don't forget to give Tweed's claimer a minter role if needed)

  2. Integrate the frontend and backend SDKs

  3. Top up the relevant claimer with enough test tokens using one of the relevant faucets

  4. If the widget does not show up - follow the errors in the dev console

Troubleshooting guide

Tweed smart contract integration is very straightforward: the claimer calls the function configured in the ABI of the TOKEN_INFO object with the parameters configured in the customMintParams. Your contract should expect a call from the claimer and grant a minter role for it.

  1. Make sure Tweed's claimer can call the mint function of your contract

  2. Make sure the ABI function string is written correctly in the TOKEN_INFO object

  3. Check the balance of Tweed's claimer, it might need a top up using the relevant faucet (We top up the claimers regularly, but due to high demand the test funds are occasionally depleted)

  4. The price of the token should be > 0.5$ US. Ensure you are set the priceInCrypto or priceInFiat above this minimum

  5. If you are settling in fiat using the priceInFiat argument, make sure you finished the demo payout onboarding process in the developer console

  6. If you're settling in the native cryptocurrency of your contract using the priceInCrypto - make sure your mint function is payable

  7. The priceInCrypto is expected in WEI, for ex. 0.01 Eth should be written: priceInCrypto : "10000000000000000" In the TOKEN_INFO object

Last updated