AML & KYC Policy Overview

1. KYC Requirements:

  • Single Transaction: We require Know Your Customer (KYC) verification for any single transaction exceeding $3,000.

  • Cumulative Transactions: KYC verification is also mandatory when a user's cumulative transaction amount exceeds $10,000 over their lifetime.

2. Transaction Monitoring:

  • Stripe Radar: We employ Stripe Radar for real-time fraud detection, helping us identify and prevent fraudulent transactions before they occur.

3. Wallet Scanning:

  • Chainalysis Integration: All user wallets are continuously scanned using Chainalysis, a leading blockchain analysis tool. We block any transactions originating from wallets that are flagged with a medium or higher risk according to Chainalysis' default risk ratings. This helps us ensure that we are not inadvertently facilitating any illegal or high-risk activities.

By implementing these measures, we ensure a robust compliance framework that protects our platform and users from potential financial crimes while adhering to international AML regulations.

Last updated